13 July 2009


13 July 2009

To the applause and self-congratulation of the obsequious, our elected representatives in the House passed a “climate change bill,” described by the apologist media as “a step in the right direction.” Aside from the fact that it is so minimalist as to hardly be worthy of the moniker “change,” the law is certain to be defeated in the Senate.

Meanwhile the world looks on agape as we bray and finger-point, then continue our flatulent ways. Meanwhile, the folks that really know the score are terrified and trying desperately to get our attention. This is not some fringe alarmist prattle, we are talking about the survival of our grandchildren. And the sad thing is that the fix is not a big deal. We can do this with a slight curb in our appetites. Willpower is the key. We citizens must demand action from our legislators and demonstrate a little resolve in our consumption. If we educate ourselves about the impact of our purchase decisions, and buy accordingly, we can change the world.

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